
Public administration aims for self-financing through its development programs and strategic plans for the present and future to the following:

First: developing frameworks of cooperation and interaction between the university and the private sector, where assigned management of public administration of the self-financing responsibilities overseeing the revenue and expenditure programs self-funded and which are funded from outside the appropriation for the University of the State budget, and management is keen to develop cooperation and interaction between the university and the private sector with regard to programs educational resources and self-activating programs and scientific research, according to the general frameworks for university policy through Deanship of Community Service and Continuing Education, and Research and Consulting Institute.

Second: make greater use of new concepts to evaluate the performance such as total quality management, time management and restructuring where he practiced General Administration of self-financing responsibilities through the general strategy of the university and avoid the negative effects of long and short-term and focus on the development of performance to reach the degree of excellence in the context of the general plan of the university, and ensuring the opportunity for its employees to attend training courses to develop their skills

Third: work to increase the own resources of the University through the development proceeds possessions and endowments and marketing services and do research projects, studies and scientific services provided to various sectors of society, coordination and follow-up with the scientific university. Focusing its efforts on the development of new programs and centers of excellence with respect to programs and scientific research.

Fourth: create patterns process for the development of the University's resources and self-innovation and ways to invest and raise the proportion of its participation in the financing of projects the university and in coordination with the relevant authorities to proceed with the concerned authorities in the organization of financial expenditures for all programs of self-financing in line with the strategic plan of the university to make the most of own revenues in the development of the educational process. 

Last Update
1/29/2013 9:58:18 PM